The world is ageing very fast. Most, if not all of the advanced nations, are experiencing irreversible population decline. Singapore and South Korea, fall within the top ten worst fertility rate in the world, which means that, in order to survive as a nation, they need to open their doors to immigration as the only feasible resort. This goes with all other advanced nations.

In the past, civilizations were measured through vastness of land and abundance of population. Today, our success is measured by how much goods and services we produce i.e. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Such shift naturally comes with its consequences. People now have to work hard and long hours in order to maximise productivity. This creates a huge strain on the family institution, where both husband and wife need to work to carve a comfortable living for the family. Long hours at work also mean no time for family building, and most people prefer not to marry but focus on their careers instead. What is the answer to this conundrum? Can we sustain as a human race? Or should women have rights to procreate or not? What policies should countries adopt to encourage family building and procreation?

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